MT Accountants Services

Pension and Auto Enrollment

Inclusive Services

Our auto-enrolment service

What is Auto-Enrolment who does it apply to?

The government had become concerned that the UK’s workforce was not putting enough away for their retirement. As a result, in 2012, the automatic pension enrolment scheme was put in place, making it mandatory for employers to put all eligible workers into a workplace pension plan.

All businesses in the United Kingdom now have to set up employees pensions who meet specific requirements, including contributions from employers and employees. To be eligible:

  • Be aged at least 22
  • Be below state pension age
  • Earn more than £10,000 a year in 2020/21
  • Work in the UK.


Paying into workplace pension plans is a shared responsibility, not just yours and your employees’. In addition, the government provides tax relief.

You must comply with the Act if you own a business that employs one or more workers. You will need to:

  • Set up a workplace pension scheme that meets the new rules
  • Automatically enrol all eligible workers
  • Pay contributions into the retirement pots (pensions) of eligible workers
  • Enrol other workers if they ask to join the scheme


If you have started your pension staging duties we can offer you a complete auto-enrolment solution. We can assist you with the successful implementation and ongoing business compliance and put you in touch with recommended financial adviser partners.

How to determine auto-enrolment eligibility criteria

Eligible jobholders must be members of a qualifying scheme or auto-enrolled into an auto-enrolment scheme.

Non-eligible jobholders should be offered the opportunity of opting into the scheme.

Entitled workers must be given access to a pension scheme.

Once we have helped identify your eligible employees or entitled employees, we will oversee the following:

  • Collect key information from employees
  • Determine your Payroll and HR Process
  • Review Employee contract for any legal issues
  • Identify and select key points of contacts


We will also work with you to ensure you understand your responsibilities, both as an employer and your employees to maximise retirement income.